ler o artigoAntigos Proprietários Rurais de Lages (Prêmio ASBRAP de 1999)
• Marcelo Meira Amaral Bogaciovas
Relação alfabética dos senhores das antigas propriedades rurais em Lages, desde antes de 1771, ano em que foi elevada à categoria de vila da então Capitania de São Paulo, até o ano de 1820, ano em que passou, definitivamente a pertencer (ao atual Estado de) Santa Catarina.
Alphabetical relation of owners to ancient rural properties in Lages, since before 1771- year in which it was raised to the category of village of what was known then as São Paulo Capitaincy, up until the year of 1820, when it definetely became part of nowaday’s Santa Catarina State.
ler o artigoControvérsias sobre os Primeiros Tempos da Capitania de São Tomé ou da Paraíba do Sul
• Paulo Paranhos
Várias são as interpretações sobre os primeiros tempos da Capitania de São Tomé ou da Paraíba do Sul, propriedade de Pero de Góis, que a recebeu do Rei D. João III por serviços prestados à Monarquia Portuguesa. O artigo pretende, a partir do estudo comparativo de diversos historiadores, mostrar alguns entendimentos sobre o tema.
There are several interpretations about first settlements of São Tome or Paraiba do Sul Captaincy, property of Pero de Gois, who received it from the king D. Joao III for services to the Portuguese Crown. The article intends to show understanding about the teme, starting at a comparative study of several historians.
ler o artigoA Justiça do Distrito Federal por Seus Presidentes - 1890-1960
• Paulo Paranhos
O artigo mostra, em linha cronológica, os Presidentes do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal (1890-1960), destinando a cada um deles uma pequena biografia.
The article shows, in cronological line, the Presidents of Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal (1890-1960), destining to each one a small biography
ler o artigoDe Titulares e Pensões Especiais
• Rui Vieira da Cunha
Análise e levantamento (em anexo) dos titulares e beneficiados pelas pensões especiais durante o Império Brasileiro.
Research and analysis (anexed) of beneficiaries and citizens entitled to special pensions during the Brazilian Empire.
ler o artigoA Família Aranha na Vila de Itu do Século XVIII e Início de XIX
• Manoel Valente Barbas
Relato minucioso da origem portuguesa do lado paterno da Família Aranha, de Itu, SP, com correções e acréscimos substanciais às informações da ”Genealogia Paulistana”, de Silva Leme, complementado pela resenha da vida dos três principais ancestrais dessa família: João da Costa Aranha, Padre Manoel da Costa Aranha e o Capitão Mor Vicente da Costa Taques Goes e Aranha, personagens de destaque da história ituana.
Detailed report regarding the Portuguese origin of the Aranha family (father’s side) from the city of Itu in the State of São Paulo. The report includes corrections and significant addittions to the Silva Leme’s “GENEALOGIA PAULISTANA” based on news about this family’s three most important ancestors: Joao da Costa Aranha, Father Manoel da Costa Aranha and Capitain Mor Vicente da Costa Taques Goes e Aranha. These are outstanding figures of Itu’s history.
ler o artigoA Vida e o Legado do Cônego Francisco Ribeiro Bessa
• José Nelson Bessa Maia
Estudo biográfico deste distinto clérigo e político prestigioso do Ceará e sua participação na emancipação de municípios do interior do Estado. Contém contribuição para a história do Ceará, incluindo episódios das secas de 1877-1879.
The family Bessa in the State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, always treated with reverence the memory of one of its late members, a catholic priest who had adopted some orphan nephews and then given rise to descendants spread throughout the country. Curious about such a story, I tried to investigate why that priest was so much important as to justify his place in posterity. I found out that he had been a prestigious and active politician responsible for creating parishes and municipalities. He was smart enough to use his verbal skills and intellect to lead his flocks and pursue well definite objectives. Contrary to most of his contemporary colleagues in the Catholic Church, priest Francisco Bessa always kept his vow of celibacy and really practised charity by spending his personal wealth to support the needy, specially those of his own family. The last years of his lifetime were devoted to emancipate his new dwelling place in terms of municipal autonomy and support his favorite grandson-nephew on whom he bestowed still in life most of his assets.
ler o artigoEnsaio sobre Matrimônios Consangüíneos
• Flávio Joppert
Os mitos sobre os casamentos consangüíneos levam a especulações erradas sobre o tema. Surgiu, baseada nesses mitos, uma longa disputa ideológica. O objetivo deste trabalho é limitar a consangüinidade ao universo da probabilidade.
The myths about blood-related marriages have led to wrongful speculations about the teme; a long ideological dispute emerged based on them. The goal of his essay is to relegate the issue to the universe of propability.
ler o artigoAntigos Fotógrafos em Juiz de Fora
• Cláudio Marinho Falcão
Relação informativa dos pioneiros e continuadores da fotografia em Juiz de Fora, MG, em seu sesquicentenário de fundação.
Informative relation of the pioneers and continuers of photography in Juiz de Fora, MG, in its hundred and fiftytieth birthday.
ler o artigoPovoadores de São Paulo - André Fernandes
• H. V. de Castro Coelho
Primeiras gerações deste antepassado de numerosas famílias tratadas por Silva Lema na ”Genealogia Paulistana”.
Forefathers to several families described by Silva Leme in “Genealogia Paulistana”.
ler o artigoArmond, Por Quê?
• Rui Vieira da Cunha
O artigo tem por objetivo esclarecer a origem do apelido Armond em uma família mineira de Barbacena. Foi seu patriarca, no Brasil, Francisco Ferreira Armond, natural dos Açores, que emigrou para cá, no segundo quartel do século XVIII.
The article has the goal of discurring overthe origins of the surname Armond in a family from Barbacena, Minas Gerais. Its patriarch in Brazil was Francisco Ferreira Armond, from Azores, which imigrated here in the first half of the eighteenth century.
ler o artigoA Ascendência Paulista de Francisca de Macedo - Aditamento à Genealogia Paulistana - Título Moraes
• Marta Maria Amato
A ascendência de Francisca de Macedo, legatária do Capitão Mor Antônio Ribeiro de Moraes em 1686, em São Paulo, era desconhecida. O presente artigo fornece dados de documentos que evidenciam ser Francisca de Macedo filha de Carlos de Moraes Navarro e de Maria Raposo, esta, filha do Mestre de Campo Antônio Raposo Tavares.
Until now it was unknown the ancestry of Francisca de Macedo, who was one of the legal inheritors of the “Capitão Mor” Antônio Ribeiro de Moraes on 1686 in São Paulo. The present paper supply the necessary documented data in order to prove that Francisca de Macedo was a son of the couple Carlos de Moraes Navarro and Maria Raposo, this a son of the “Mestre de Campo” Antônio Raposo Tavares.
ler o artigoCostume entre os Camargos, Paulista
• Guaracy de Castro Nogueira
Descendentes dos Camargos de São Paulo foram para Minas Gerais. Fatos registrados sobre descendentes desta família.
The author relates the quarrel between the two traditional families – Camargos and Pires – that lasted long years, both of them fighting for the political power in São Paulo in the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. The King of Portugal tried to conciliate the families by giving them some privileges and forgiving the crimes that they had commited before. Some of the Camargos descendants have gone to Minas Gerais and they were known as radical and violent people. In the second half of the eighteenth century, Camargos’ relatives fell in love with each other, had sexual intercourse before getting married and the bride was pregnant. The young couple was threatened and warned to death because the family’honour had been ruined. So, the couple required the bishop to break up the consanguinity in a law-suit was carried on with a lot of troubles and testimony work. After having made many penitences, they finally got married in 1767.
ler o artigo”Major” Pacheco
• Carlos Alberto da Silveira Isoldi Filho
Biografia do Tenente-coronel Manuel José Vaz Pacheco, intelectual e político republicano e abolicionista do interior do Estado de São Paulo.
Biography to Tenent-Coronel Manuel José Vaz Pacheco, known as Major Pacheco, intelectual, abolicionist and republican politician from the interior of São Paulo State.
ler o artigoInácio Franco, Patriarca das Famílias Franco e Junqueira (Natural da Freguesia de Santa Maria de Válega e não da Freguesia de Balga)
• Cid Guimarães
• Marta Maria Amato
Os autores esclarecem o verdadeiro nome da freguesia de Santa Maria de Válega, atualmente no Conselho de Ovar, distrito de Aveiro, província de Beira Litoral.
After solving the riddle of the Três Ilhoas (three sisters from Azores Islands, Fayal, that came to Brazil at begining of the XVII century) by José Guimarães (1957-1959), at that time he published that Inácio Franco was born April 3, 1695 in the parish of Balga, council of Vila de Feira, diocese of Oporto, where he was baptized, but identifing the place of Balga was not possible. The Authors, separetely, using the process of pristhood “Habilitation” of grand sons of Inácio Franco arrive to the same conclusion, that Balga was also the name of the parish of Santa Maria de Válega, today in the council of Ovar, district of Aveiro, Beira Alta Province.
ler o artigoO Pedido do Foro de Fidalguia de Francisco Peixoto de Lacerda Verneck, Seus Ancestrais e Descendentes
• Flávio Joppert
No resgate da nobreza da Família Peixoto de Lacerda, Francisco Peixoto de Lacerda Verneck buscou suas origens nos Açores, para justificar os foros visados.
Finding documents, often half-destroyed, confirms truth in the historical events. When recovering the nobility of the Peixoto de Lacerda Family, Francisco Peixoto de Lacerda Verneck linked his origins to the Azores, in order to justify the nobility title he claimed. This text intendes to show the obtention of nobility titles in its several degrees, as well as their continuity throughout generations.
ler o artigoNa Chácara da Floresta (Notas sobre o Padre José Custódio Dias)
• Sílvia Buttros
Notas biográficas sobre o Padre José Custódio Dias, um liberal do Primeiro Reinado.
Biographic notes about Father José Custódio Dias, a First Reign liberal.